Transforming Staircases: The Power of Pressure Washing

Posted: June 19th, 2023

Staircases are not only functional elements in our homes and outdoor spaces but also play a significant role in creating a welcoming and visually appealing environment. Over time, however, these structures can accumulate dirt, grime, and stubborn stains that diminish their beauty. Fortunately, the transformative power of pressure washing can breathe new life into dull and dingy stairs, restoring their original charm. In this article, we will explore the dramatic before and after results of pressure washing on a set of stairs, highlighting the process and the benefits it provides.

Before Picture:

The "before" picture on the left side showcases a staircase that has clearly seen better days. Layers of dirt, moss, and other unsightly debris cling to the steps, obscuring their original color and texture. The stairs pictured here see almost no use, as they are only there to meet requirements for the homeowner's insurance company and only sit in the sun and elements, leaving them to fend off nature and time (unsuccessfully, of course). Accumulation of dirt, grime and other organic matter not only compromises their visual appeal but also raises concerns for safety if they were to be used due to the surface becoming slippery from all of the old matted dirt and growth.

After Picture:

In stark contrast, the "after" picture on the right side exhibits the astonishing transformation achieved through pressure washing. Soft wash is the name of our game, but sometimes we need to go hard. This staircase benefitted from both - A soft wash pre-treatment followed by high pressure cleaning made these stairs gleam in the beautiful Melbourne, Florida sunlight! The customer gasped with delight as she rounded the corner to see the results. We were also delighted to wow her and leave her stairs and the rest of her exterior the cleanest house in the neighborhood. It took some elbow grease, but these stairs came out satisfyingly clean.

The Pressure Washing Process:

Pressure washing involves the use of specialized equipment that propels water at high pressure to remove dirt, grime, and stains from various surfaces. When applied to stairs, this method proves to be highly effective in revitalizing their appearance. Here's a breakdown of the pressure washing process:

1. Assessment: A Hermit Softwash technician evaluates the condition of the stairs, determining whether the material of the stairs can withstand high pressure without damage, identifying the severity of grime, stains, and any other specific issues.

2. Preparing the area: The surrounding plant life and property exterior are protected by keeping landscaping watered, covering electrical outlets if required, and making sure that potted plants and lawn ornaments or other delicate items are out of the way.

3. Applying bio-degradable cleaning solutions: Dependent on the severity of the dirt and organics present on the surface, pre-treatment may be needed for the best result, although traditional pressure washing will be sufficient for most hardy surfaces.

4. Pressure washing: As a Hermit Softwash technician uses an industrial capacity pressure washer and high pressure wands and nozzles to apply pressurized water to the surface to be cleaned. The technician is careful to use the correct nozzle(s) for angle and spray pressure, distance of water stream to surface, and changes either of the two dynamically during pressure washing according to what is needed for that surface and to protect that surface from any unnecessary damage.

5. Rinse and inspection: Once the pressure washing is complete, the stairs are thoroughly rinsed to remove any residual cleaning solutions or loosened debris. A final inspection is conducted to ensure that all areas have been adequately cleaned and touched up if needed. This ensures that the surface is cleaned carefully but also thoroughly.

Benefits of Pressure Washing Stairs:

The before and after pictures of the pressure-washed stairs demonstrate the numerous benefits of this cleaning technique:

1. Enhanced aesthetics: The most obvious advantage is the dramatic improvement in the appearance of the stairs. Pressure washing easily dislodges dirt, wipes away grime, and removes stains, revealing the intended aesthetic of the steps.

2. Much safer: Grime and debris on staircases can pose safety hazards for those who use them in that yucky state. Pressure washing helps to mitigate these hazards, providing a safer environment for residents and visitors.

3. Preservation: As with many exterior surfaces, expertly done pressure washing can promote longevity and value of those surfaces, leading to lower cost maintenance in the long run, which is especially advantageous for homeowners.

4. Time and cost efficiency: Compared to manual scrubbing or other cleaning methods, pressure washing offers a time-efficient and cost-effective solution for rejuvenating stairs. Some homeowners do their own pressure washing, which can also be cost effective and sufficient for small cleaning tasks, but when the dirt and growth is severe, many store-bought pressure washers can't handle these jobs, and many homeowners underestimate the labor that goes into such a big job as well as time and money wasted, especially when using underperforming pressure wash equipment!


The transformation of these stairs is a clear testimony of the effectiveness of pressure washing with the right equipment and the knowledge of a well trained professional. It is easy to see the aesthetics, but maybe not as easy to see the improvement of safety on this often overlooked piece of the home exterior. Set up an appointment with Hermit Softwash before your stairs(or any other exterior surface) gets reclaimed by nature!

Remember, to get the most desired results, it is recommended to secure professional pressure washing services to guarantee you get the best expertise, equipment, and knowledge to handle the process safely and effectively. Don't let the passage of time obscure the splendor of your stairs—unleash the power of pressure washing and witness the remarkable before and after difference it can make! Call Hermit Softwash or visit our Contact page to set up your pressure washing or soft wash appointment today!
