Why Does My Roof Look Dirty?

Posted: May 3rd, 2023

Dirt, Algae, Mold, Mildew and All Kinds of Grime

Your roof is out there, facing the sky, acting as a plane to catch any and all airborne particles. That includes dirt, algae, mold, tree droppings, and anything else that may grow, fall, or blow in the wind. Here in the southeastern United States, and especially in Florida's humid weather, many homes will have many types of organic growth on their rooftops. Whether it's asphalt shingles, barrel tiles, metal, or slate -- it's out in the elements, exposed to water, sunlight, spores, bacteria, dirt, plants... and to keep your roof healthy and well-maintained, it is always a good idea to keep it clean and free of harmful debris and/or organic growth to prevent early and rapid deterioration. 

A dirty roof can limit lifespan

Your roof is an important part of your home. It is the very thing in the entire home that gives you shelter from whatever hazards may be coming down from above! In Florida, the most common type of roof grime seen is a cyanobacteria called "gloeocapsa magma", more often referred to as "blue-green algae". This algae photosynthesizes sunlight and consumes calcium carbonate (commonly found in the limestone in asphalt shingles) and spreads across your roof. This bacterium is also fond of wet and humid conditions. When the conditions are just right, it will spread and grow across your roof, trapping moisture and heat beneath it, and cause your roof shingles or tiles to degrade much more quickly. While there is no permanent prevention of this bacterial growth without great cost to the homeowner, regular cleaning by professional soft wash is recommended 1-2 times per year, or as needed based on roof conditions.

What can be done to clean roof algae?

There are quite a few ways to clean a rooftop. As a homeowner, pressure washing may come to mind, however, high pressures can damage roof shingles, tiles, and can gouge metal roofs or leave permanent streaks, causing your home value and curb appeal to drop significantly - not to mention potentially voiding your roof's warranty or raising insurance rates. Low pressure is better, but simply squirting water from your garden hose won't really do much of anything. So... What to do?

Soft washing is by far the best method for cleaning your roof. Hermit Softwash has trained professionals with the knowledge, equipment, and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions to properly clean a roof and eliminate organics (including blue-green algae), wash away dirt, grime, debris, and anything else that can encourage growth of organics or otherwise promote humid and destructive roof conditions. 
